Awards my site has won from                      Australia
Romantics Downunder Award of Excellence
May 29, 2006
Hi Joel
Romantics Downunder proudly announce that you have won one of our web page design awards. Your web pages are just Great we both loved your site it was very easy to navigate and loads with ease Well done a lot of hard work has obviously gone
into that one. Take Care  and once again congratulations on a job well done.
 Sue & Bev :o)
Personal Web Pages
Romantics Downunder
The Vintage Kin Animal Welfare Prize
April 5, 2008
Happy to oblige Joel.  Please find attached your Animal Welfare Prize.  
fellow canine keeper
Ric (Vintage Kin Genealogical Design Studio)

COPYRIGHT © 2001--2024 Author Joel Goulet
A Scot DownUnder Outstanding Site Award
Hi Joel.
Thank you for applying for my award.. I visited your site and i was in there for quite some time.. I was wondering if your books are available in Australia,
Love your dog Nube and i sure agree that the best pet to get is a rescue one.. Lost my last dog a few years ago and haven't had the heart to get another...
Here is the award given with pleasure.
Kind regards 

June 6, 2008
November 25, 2008
 Your Web site has been selected to win a Web Works Site Award. I have chosen your site, to be a worthy of our " Designs Award ." What is the purpose of this award? It is to signify that your site has been judged to contain quality content, design and/or HTML expertise. I am honoured to present it to you. This award is not given to everyone who nominates his or her home page or site. By my discretion, I pick only the sites I find to fit the minimum requirements and in some way or another soar beyond them. Again, Congratulations! 
Peter Williams
A1 Web Works Designs