Hi Joel, Congratulations with the silver spider award. Thanks for this wonderful contribution to our internet community, which helps make the web more informative as well as more fun. I really enjoyed my visit to your site. Warm regards Louise
April, 2006
Hi Joel,
it's an honour to me to send you this award, because you deserve this golden writing feather. Your stories are well written and a pleasure to read.
Thank you for your application. Your application to Peace & Harmony Awards for a rating consideration your website
Joel Goulet has now been comfirmed and evaluated. We would like to grant you our bronze Award for a really informative website.
Greetings and blessings from the P&H Awards Staff
May 25, 2008
Hello Joel, Congratulations with the diamant award. Thanks for this wonderful contribution to our internet community, which helps make the web more informative as well as more fun. I really enjoyed my visit to your site. Warm regards Herman
May 26, 2008
Hier een Award voor je mooie site.
Groetjes Hans.
Goedendag. Here Award for your beautiful site. Groetjes Hans.